If this is the first time you attend a coaching session, I would suggest you to try to understand what coaching is first. Coaching is to unleash one’s potential to help in changing the way one wants to be or the direction one wants to go. If you are looking for someone to give you advice or expecting someone to tell you the direction or solution, coaching is definitely not an option for you.
The keys here are “unleash one’s potential”, “change” and “the way you want to be / you want to go”.
As a coach we believe our coachee’s potential in managing their situation with the ability to resolve or improve it. So the job of a coach is to inspire our coachee and help them to get out from a blind spot through asking different questions to help the coachee to think hard and to think deep.
Coaching always involves some changes to happen such as behavioral change. The job of a coach is to partner with the coachee to ensure the change happens. And the coachee needs to be keen and be open-minded in order to embrace the change.
Lastly, it is about “the way you want to be / you want to go”. The whole coaching process is about the coachee, not about the coach. So the coachee leads the direction and decides what needs to be achieved.
To explain it in a simple example, the coachee is always in the driver seats, whilst the coach is just a passenger in the car. The coachee has the power to lead the direction about where to go. The coach is just a facilitator to help you to explore all options available for you, before you decide your destination.
Next time we will talk about how to prepare yourself for the coaching session.